• The Slow Flowers Movement is a response to the disconnect between humans and flowers in the modern era. It aspires to reclaim the act of flower growing, recognizing it as a relevant and respected branch of domestic agriculture. Slow Flowers connects consumers with the source of their flowers, putting a human face of the flower farmer and floral designer behind each bouquet or centerpiece. The value of local, seasonal and sustainably-grown flowers is heightened when there is transparent origin labeling of all botanicals sold to consumers and professional florists.

    Discover the slow flower movement manifesto

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  • Floral designs will be created with sustainably and beautifully grown local and seasonal blooms, flowering branches, foliage, and dried botanicals depending on the season and Mother Earth availability.


    Hellebores, fancy narcissus, leucojum, fritillaria, hyacinth, muscari and of course specialty tulips !!! Double, fringed, parrot and French tulips, it is my favorite flower.

    Ranunculus, anemones, poppies, snapdragons as well as foraged blooming branches… Spring is all about luxurious blooms and a myriad of sweet fragrances!


    Alliums, irises, sunflowers, zinnias, strawflower, celosia, gomphrena, ornamental basil, ornamental seed pods and grasses: it is the season of fun and textural blooms!

    Days get longer and the warm loving flowers come to steal the show. Summer delivers a riot of color and texture, not to mention attracting beautiful butterflies, all our pollinator friends and hummingbirds.


    Dahlias in various shapes and colors paired with the beauties of late summer and early fall like scented geraniums, mint, sunflowers, zinnias, rudbeckia, celosia, gomphrena, cosmos, mums, asters and foraged blooms and grasses! Fall flowers are the last show of the season and they are well worth the wait!

  • Don’t be afraid to fill up your container with fresh water! The flowers get pretty thirsty; this is especially true for the first couple of days. Be sure to check water level often. Our flowers are cut very fresh daily, therefore still very much alive and thirsty!

    Don’t place your fresh flowers in direct sunlight or heat. The sunlight will signal the flowers to further mature resulting in less of a vase life. This is especially important with tulips! Tulips are “phototropic”, bending towards the light, so rotate containers daily to keep stems more upright.

    Never place your fresh flowers near ripening fruits or vegetables. The release of ethylene from the fruits or veggies can affect the flowers and cause them to wilt and wither away.

    Refresh water often! Give them fresh water at least every 2-3 days and re-cut the stems when you change the water. Remove any foliage sitting below the water line to keep the water clear and fresher longer. Foliage sitting in the water will decay and make the flowers rot too. It also makes the water dirty and stinky!

    Your container should be sanitized and free of debris to keep the flowers from premature aging and the stems from getting clogged, which will result in better water intake.

    Simply enjoy the beauty and fragrance of your flowers grown with love and care always!

  • YES! I recycle and reuse all my vessels, mason jars and containers. To tell you the truth, I am a bit of a zero waste nerd!

    If you have extras, I am happy to recycle yours too! If I cannot reuse them, they will be donated to someone who can.

    Please return your vessels weekly if you sign up for a floral design subscription, let’s close the loop and divert every vase from going to landfills!